The Ergonomics and Human Factors Unit researches a wide range of subjects related to human factors and ergonomics. Most of the research is psychophysical (studies on human participants) and is conducted in the IIPDM labs. The labs consist of many well-equipped experiment rooms and diverse state-of-the-art technical equipment (eye-movement measurement devices, a variety of stereoscopic displays, a driving simulator, and other psychophysiological devices). A team of computer programmers and technical experts help develop the experiments.
Research on Displays and Stereoscopic Displays
Developing Auto-Stereoscopic Displays for Aviation
The Efficiency of MLD (Multi Layer Display) in Tactical Displays
Testing a Method to Attenuate Visual Fatigue Stemming from Use of Stereoscopic Displays
3D Stereoscopic Tactical Displays
Improving the Efficiency of X-Ray Luggage Screening with a 3-D Stereoscopic Display
Producing Stereoscopic Videos from Regular Videos
Stereoscopic Vision for Long Distances
Target Detection in Stereoscopic FLIR Images
A Study of Human Stereoscopic Eye-Movements to Provide Data for Stereo Computer Vision Models
Multi-Dimensional Visualization
Visual Fatigue and Video Display Terminals
Use of Informational Difference as a Target Conspicuity Measure
Exploring the Efficiency of Various Zoom Tools in a Tracking Task
The Effects of an Automatic Target Recognition System on Image Analyst Performance
An Examination of SAR Image Interpretation Aids: Magnification and an Information Window
Encoding and Displaying ATR Designations in SAR Images
The Effects of Time Limitations on Target Identification
Analysis of Eye-Movements in Lookouts - Comparative and Longitudinal Research
Usability Studies
Human Factors Studies
Driving Studies
Human Factors Aspects of Intelligent Speed Adaptation Systems
The Effect of Billboards on Driving as Function of Billboard Type and Size
Developing Optimal Markings for Crosswalks
Developing a Cognitive Test for Assessing Fatigue Levels among Professional Drivers