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A Study of Human Stereoscopic Eye-Movements to Provide Data for Stereo Computer Vision Models

Human eye movements in both eyes were measured simultaneously in order to examine the vergence mechanism while viewing stereoscopic stimuli. Random dot stereograms were used in order to study pure binocular mechanisms with no involvement of monocular cues. The study showed that participants fixated very briefly on the display screen and then gradually shifted their fixation to a point in front of the screen. The same occured when the stereoscopic stimulus was placed behind or on the screen. The point of final fixation varied as a function of the location (disparity) of the stereoscopic stimulus, i.e., the closer the stimulus to the observer the nearer the fixation. This phenomenon is known as fixation disparity (FD), and our results support the hypothesis that FD occures due to the tendency of the human vergence mechanism to revert to its natural resting point. In the realm of computer vision, stereoscopic active vision calls for changes in the cameras' vergence. The results of this study indicate that further research is necessary in order to link between stimulus disparity and vergence responses. These studies will help improve computerized stereoscopic vision.  

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